Tuesday, June 3, 2008

12h Week - Electronic Civil Liberties / Creative Commons / Free and Open Source Software


-We all have a choice to know
-If technology is available we should be able to use it

Rights for Internet
They insure we don’t get bullied by companies etc over the internet
Defend some issues

Internet neutral - so anyone can go on there
Networking Intellectuality - internet should be free -form of censorship

NSA SPYING - Through filters e.g. Myspace, Messenger, Facebook etc.

The leading civil liberties group defending your rights in the digital world

C - Copy right
CC - Creative Commons - available to use it as long as it’s not used commercially (making money from it) “some rights reserved”
PD - Public Domain (freely available)

RO - Read Only

Source Code - Language - Instructions for programming

Proprietary Software - Software that you cannot change.

We also watched a presentation by Lawrence Lessig about the need for the law to change, and the reasons why he started the Creative Commons

READING: Why Software Should Not Have Owners
By Richard Stallman

Digital information technology contributes to the world by making it easier to copy and modify information. Computers promise to make this easier for all of us.
However, not everyone wants it to be easier. The system of copyright gives software programs “owners”.

The copyright system grew up with printing—a technology for mass production copying.

Four practices of the Software Publishers Association (SPA):
-Massive propaganda saying it is wrong to disobey the owners to help your friend.
-Solicitation for stool pigeons to inform on their coworkers and colleagues.
-Raids (with police help) on offices and schools, in which people are told they must prove they are innocent of illegal copying.
-Prosecution (by the US government, at the SPA's request) of people such as MIT's David LaMacchia, not for copying software (he is not accused of copying any), but merely for leaving copying facilities unguarded and failing to censor their use.

All four practices resemble those used in the former Soviet Union

We deserve free software.

READING: FLOSS Is Not Just Good For Teeth

'FLOSS is not just good for teeth' is a collaboratively produced introduction to the concepts that underlie free and open source software.

While open source software proponents believe that this methodology of
software creation tends to create the best software, proponents of free software believe that
even as a “mere user”, the freedom to be a co-creator and co-sharer of software you use
should be protected and sustained.

READING: Cory Doctorow: Creative Commons

Since 2003, the Creative Commons movement has ridden a worldwide revolution in creativity and sharing, inspiring the authors of over 160 million copyrighted works to adopt a "some rights reserved" approach that encourages sharing, remix, and re-use of their works.

Copyright's scope has expanded through technology — the PC and the Internet.

Spent time on essays
Told where to post our assignmnet - both on our blog and email to tutor with our blog address
Revision for exam